What is MICSA?

MICSA is a completely new technology with its closest affinity being high-quality synthetic oils.  MICSA is not an additive in the normal sense of the word as it does not in any way change the characteristics of the primary oil or lubrication agent but rather, it is a high quality metal conditioner that lubricates any working part or machine thereby reducing friction and ultimately wear and tear.  MICSA (patent pending) and various other products in the MICSA range are breakthrough Lubricants, Greases and Treatments that have successfully been marketed for the last 25 years to Industry worldwide.

MICSA is compatible with all motor oils (other than vegetable oils), gear oils, hydraulic fluids and greases which it uses as a vehicle to get to the metal surface where it penetrates (into the micro pores) and starts to bond at a certain temperature.  It works by modifying the metal surface to reduce friction, corrosion and rust.  It may also be put directly onto metal surfaces such as in machine shop applications and on bearing surfaces before grease is packed.  The effect of the MICSA treatment is a metal surface that has a much reduced coefficient of friction (Dynamic Wet 0.04). 

Bonding means that there is a chemical reaction between the MICSA and the metal by which MICSA becomes part of the metal itself, not just a coating on top of the metal.   MICSA does not remain in the oil when used at the recommended ratios, which is why MICSA should be added in addition to the normal amount of primary lubricant.  Once the MICSA has treated all heated metal surfaces, any remaining MICSA will remain in the oil and serve no useful purpose.

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